
Saturday, November 27, 2010

I wonder

I wonder if the people I think of when I do some of these posts will ever read that post, that in my mind was made for them. I wonder if the person I want to read it the most, will ever glance at it. I wonder....

Friday, November 26, 2010

When I think of you

When I think of you is a song by Chris de Burgh.

'cos I get a kick inside,*
And I feel a tingle too,
It just comes from time to time,
And it only happens,

When I think of you,
When I’m dreaming, when I wake up, when I think of you,
When I’m talking,
When I look up,
When I think of you,

*(I think it's supposed to be 'in the side', but, that's what I found)

That is the chorus, and I find it to be very applicable to my life, good or bad, I do not know.
Click Here To go to the page I found with the lyrics. So, that is life as of now...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Day thing

So, I could put a whole list on here, of what I am thankful for, but, I'm sure you wouldn't read it. I wouldn't expect you too, cause I know I wouldn't. So, I'm just going to put two things. If you read any of them, read the first one please, and also read the second one to prove your awesome ;)

1) I am grateful for you. Not because you read this or anything, but, because you were born. Why? Because you have the ability and opportunity too change this world, and change someone's life. For good or bad, it is not known, but you have the opportunity and ability, and I am grateful you are here for that. Most likely anyone reading this has changed my life, and it's almost definitely for the better.

2) This one kinda has two parts. a) I am grateful for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who suffered for this world that we might be saved, he gave his life for us, when he didn't have to. b) I am grateful for the Atonement and the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ (meaning the LDS church). I am so grateful for the Atonement and the blessing it has on me. It gives me hope, and the ability to repent of what I have done. I am grateful also for the blessing the gospel has given me. Where I would be now if I didn't have it? I have no idea, but, I'm almost positive I would not be as well of as I am now. If my ancestors never joined the church, I wouldn't know any of you guys, and I wouldn't be part of the same family I am now.

So, yeah. Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you stuffed your faces, I kinda did, but I really did with desert. Haha :P So yay!

Monday, November 22, 2010


I wrote this today in math... after the test... so yeah

I need to break free
From this insanity
The end is near
But it's too far to see

I'm rushing forward
I'm sprinting
I'm pushing myself
I gotta get out
of this mad house
I don't belong in here
I gotta get out of this Jail cell
I don't want to be here

Oh! I need to break free
From this insanity
The end is near
But it's too far to see

Every night
On the first star
I make a wish
Deep in my heart
I wish for wings
So I could fly
away from here
and land by your side

Walls are coming
Closing in
I'm claustrophobic
Gettin' crowded in
I want to get away from here
I want to fly away from here
I want my freedom
I want my life
I want to be with you, tonight

So yeah... what do you think?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sometimes... I wonder

Sometimes I wonder if you know how much I care. If you know how often I think of you. I wonder if you know how special you are too me. Sometimes I wonder... but I'll never know

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Region Dance...

So tonight was the region dance, and I had fun, and partied it up. But... I've noticed I've always seem to be disappointed when it's over. Why, you ask? That's a good question. I could say I wish it went longer, or a variety of other things. But, what I really am disappointed in is myself. I am disappointed I didn't ask more girls to dance. I am disappointed that I didn't dance with people I wanted too. I am disappointed with my own shyness (or cowardice :P). Now, I'm not looking for sympathy here, so please don't give any, I just need an escape for my thoughts.

On another note about dances, I will talk about what one EFY councilor taught me. She told us that when we dance with a girl, to have our hand on her back, on her shoulder blade specifically. Why? Because that is were her angel wings were/are (I can't remember). She told us it was because all girls (young women, women, etc.) are angels, and need to be treated that way. They are beautiful daughters of God, and we need to respect and honor that. We hold were their angel wings are because we love them. And... I believe that to be true.

So, yeah. Region Dance... fun... and disappointment with myself :P

I have been converted

About the title... yeah... I've been converted. Long story, and I have time to tell it. So... sit back relax (or not) and listen (well, read is more correct, but you get the picture (idea being more correct here, but, still, it works))

So, to start off with a little information. I play three instruments, piano, guitar (<3 <3 my favorite instrument ever! :) ), and Tenor Sax. As most of you know, I started tenor sax this summer (meaning 2010) and I taught myself how to play. Okay, know that you know that, on to the story. So, today was the marching band social, and that was fun (as was expected) and near the end, there was an awards thing (the section leaders (leaders of that group of instruments for you ignorant people) made up awards specific to that person and handed them out). My award was "Converted to Bandism" (yes, band is a religion know, in a sense, so ha! *blows raspberry here*) Due to the fact that I had pretty much nothing to do with band before summer marching band. And it's because of Geoff, so, yeah. Thats the story, now wasn't that exciting? haha, just kidding. But still, that's the story.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Friends :)

These past couple days (as I've been feeling down) I've came to realize I have amazing friends. I am so grateful for their friendship and what they have done for me. I don't think I deserve such awesome friends, but, I'm not upset that I have them.

I love you guys <3 :)

Garrett :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ugggh--- Life :/

My mind... what an... interesting (?) place. It seems to enjoy spinning in circles and becoming dizzy. Giving me a weird sensation. Right now, I kinda wanna hate life for no reason, and I kinda I really hate my emotions right now. They are frekin bothering me! I can't make a dime of sense from them...

Life is too much, I just wanna give up. I walk through each day, not knowing how to act or what to say. I feel so strange and half depressed when will I see through this mess? Life is just a big ugly beast, showing me its ugly teeth. Bearing them with evil might, what to I stand for, who do I fight? I just want to give in, fall on the next bend. I don't know what's happening I just don't understand anything. Life is looking me right in the eye, showing a path, a path to fly. My sword is gone, I've given up. I've lost my light, I can't keep up this fight. I've walked forward my last step. My heart is done, it can't forget. All the pain and lies it's heard, and I never said a word. I see no way for this to end, I don't know who is my true friend. Now I've left all behind, to seal the door, the door of time.

That describes kinda how I feel right now :( (I wrote basically that in AP Euro, changing in a little) Life just feels suckish right now, and my confusion doesn't help.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Life.... what to say. Life has been... life (for lack of a better word, I leave you up to infer what it means) Right now... I kinda really have no life, because marching band is over :P I miss band... I made lots of friends, and I had fun. Imma thinking of dropping Spanish 3 to take concert band next semester... maybe, if my mom will let me (probably not :( )

All I've really been doing lately is picking my brother up from school, and then playing Wii with him (cause he wants me too.) ((This is my little 5 year old brother, who goes to the daycare)). I've noticed a few things about myself lately:

1) My temper's fuse seems a lot shorter now that I have nothing to do
2) Playing guitar makes me feel better when I'm angry
3) My emotions are whacked up and I can't tell left from left with them
4) My sister bugs the crap out of me (nearly literally) She just whines and complains all the time, and cries when she doesn't get her way. And she's 14. My sister and I were supposed to alternate weeks when picking him up (so I could have time to myself) but, she was a baby about that, so, my mom said until she is ready and willing to pick him up, I am, but, I don't have to do dishes days I pick him up, and until she's says shes ready and willing, she has to do dishes. (This is a big thing in my house, cause lately, my parents really haven't been doing dishes, just my brother and sister and me.) So, I'm happy about that, and I don't mind picking Travon up, but, I just need some a lone time. Know what I mean?

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