
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Random Drawings

These are some drawings by me!

Shat's, Shark Cats

Squirtle head on pickachu body, pickachu head on squirtle body, and man with hawk head.

Elephant head on dolphin body.

Lion head on dolphin body, rhino head on dolphin body.
The previous pictures where requested by friends at lunch today.


If you have random requests, I'll try my best to draw them. :)


  1. That dinosaur one was pretty cool. Have you ever tried drawing... portraits? Or just people that your mind makes up? I've been trying to do it, but I fail at preportions and getting the eyes and the smile just right so that the emotion shows through.

  2. Not really, I, like you, can't really get proportions right. I probably could if I tried, but I'm not sure if I will. I am into drawing anime figures, and I have a really good one, if I get around to scanning it...


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