
Thursday, September 10, 2009


You ever realize how delicious smarties are? I love them! Don't worry, I don't smoke them though. I don't particularly like Canadian smarties though. They're this weird tasting chocolate and *shudder*.
So, anyways, now that that weird stuff is out, let's move on. So, I added some more to Wolf Land, not much thought, yet. I'm hoping to get to, hmm... Chapter 10 by the end of the year. Is that possible? I am only just in Chapter 2, I'll need to work faster, maybe two paragraphs a day? Will that work? I better start getting more ideas...


  1. Fifty pages a day should be enough. If not, then try 60 pages a day.

  2. That might be kind of hard. I'm lucky if I do one page in a day, let a lone fifty.

  3. You seriously need to write faster. I wrote 5893 pages in one day once. I bet you could get at least 200 if you try hard. That is about the average for a beginner writer. Once you get more experienced, you'll be getting 2000-3000 pages a day, and once you're a writing expert, like me, you can write over 5000 pages a day.


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